Greater Orlando REIA Code Of Ethics
- I/We understand that all aspects of the Real Estate Profession are represented within our Membership. This, consequently, makes me/us an ambassador to the real estate industry and the community.
- I/We shall not discriminate against any person with regard to race, color, religion, age, national origin, sex, handicap or familial status.
- I/We will provide assistance to fellow GOREIA Members whenever prudent and appropriate and encourage others to do the same.
- I/We shall engage in legal and ethical practices and always conduct business in a professional and honest manner
- I/We shall not knowingly make promises I/We am/are unable or unwilling to keep and I/We shall endeavor to keep the promises I/We do make.
- I/We shall exercise due diligence in all of my business affairs.
- I/We will keep myself up to date with local, state and federal laws and stay informed on matters affecting housing and my community.